For this week I read a collection of comics in the "Tijuana Bibles," collection, all of which focused on comedic representations of sex. Showing both males and females getting "caught up in the heat of the moment," the comics show how idiotic people can act when they are getting frisky. From a man who wants to fornicate while flying a plane, (resulting in the couple falling to their deaths) to a female who whores herself out but neglects to collect any money, the comics show both genders acting idiotically in the pursuit of sexual satisfaction. One constant that I noticed throughout the comedic-centered interpretations was the disconnect these humans felt towards, sex, none of them saw it as an expression of love or loyalty, but rather a good to be traded or a service to be sold. While I personally don't agree with this interpretation of the act, the author(s) stance on how certain people may view sex is an interesting one; opening up multiple areas of intrigue when it comes to what sex means to an individual. Is the act of sex "lovemaking?" Is it meaningless and just a result of base desires..? Is it purely for producing offspring..? This series of comics challenges you to think about what sex means to you personally, as it makes it very clear that no-one should really act like the people depicted in these comics, regardless of what your interpretation of sex is.
1. My initial reaction to the text I read was sadness followed by acceptance, while certainly a MUCH darker overall tone that ANY golden age Superman story, this joint collaboration by Alan Moore, Curt Swan, George Perez, and Kurt Schaffenberger, is a damn near perfect end to this "run" of the Superman story. Focusing on the dramatic end of Superman, the story throws all of his most, and a few of his lesser, memorable villains and allies at him at once, a sort of collage of the entire Alan Moore run with the character. As Batman later describes it, "like walking through fragments of a legend." This comic celebrates everything that built Superman, from his allies and backstory, to his bitter enemies and emotional struggles; it ties up and ends practically every loose end previously left open in previous issues of the Superman story, while also providing one massive, yet satisfying cliffhanger at the story's end. 2. I grew up loosely following various versions ...
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